Committed to flexible, affordable, quality plans and administrative services that maximizing benefits to owners - Profit Sharing/401(k), Defined Benefit/Cash Balance Plans

Company Background

JCM Retirement Plans Plus

Owner: Jeffrey C. McGill, QPA, QKA, CLU

Jeff is a lifetime resident of Champaign and a graduate of the University of Illinois. He has 28 years of experience in the qualified plan area having begun his career in third party plan administration and consulting with The Downey Group in 1978.  Eleven years later, in 1989, he joined the trust department at what was then Marine American Bank and in 1995 began an 11 year career with the accounting firm of Clifton Gunderson, LLC.

As a member of the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries he has earned the designation of Qualified Plan Administrator (QPA) and Qualified 401(k) Plan Administrator (QKA). He also holds the Chartered Life Underwriter designation.

Contact Information

           Jeff C. McGill, QPA, QKA, CLU   
217 840-7405
          217 356-0969
Postal address
P.O. Box 2823
           Champaign, IL  61825-2838
Electronic mail
General Information: